How do I check my education level using my CPF?






Find out in this post how to check your education level by CPF and learn more details about this document and its importance.

Nowadays, many people need proof of education; however, they do not know how to obtain this document.

To clear up any doubts you may have on the subject, check out our article below and have a great read!


After all, how can I check my education level using my CPF?

First of all, you should know that it is not that simple to check your education level using your CPF. After all, this is relatively confidential information that requires research by the individual.

In this sense, below we will leave 3 ways for you to obtain this information. Stay with us!

Consultar escolaridade pelo CPF

Visit the Ministry of Education website

First of all, you should know that you can obtain proof of education by accessing the MEC website.


To do this, you must register on Ministry of Education, as well as, doing the research in several tabs until you obtain the education data, whether for yourself or someone else, such as a family member or friend.

Basically, on the MEC website you will have access to data on a Brazilian student and their education. To do this, you must enter the CPF number of the individual you wish to research on the website and search for such information.

In short, if the person has a diploma certified and registered by the MEC, this information will be displayed on the screen.

See this information at the Education Department in your region.

From the same point of view, you can obtain information regarding a person's (or your own) education at the Department of Education in your region.

To do this, you can access the website of this public agency or go to the physical office in your city. Don't forget that it is very important to have your personal documents on hand, such as your ID, CPF and full name.

At the Department of Education, the process is very similar to the MEC step-by-step process. After all, you will be directed to a page where you must insert data such as CPF or National Registry of Foreigners and search for education information.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that if the schools or educational institutions where you studied have closed, you must request proof of education from the inspection department of the Education Department of the city where you studied.

Go to the places where you studied

Finally, you can obtain and consult a person's education by going to the places where the individual studied.

Therefore, if you need a document to prove your education, go to the school where you completed elementary, high school or even high school. faculty (or university) where you studied.

Importance of proof of education

It is very important that you always have your proof of education up to date. Nowadays, many people think that this document is not important; however, it is.

Therefore, see below why it is necessary to always keep your school receipt on hand and with the information in order. Keep reading!

When it comes to getting a job

First of all, you should know that it is essential to prove your education when applying for a job.

After all, it is this document that will certify that you have a certain level of student qualification.

This document is essential for taking public exams.

From the same point of view, it is super important to have your school certificate on hand when taking any public exam.

Therefore, this document will guarantee that you have the level of education that you stated you had when registering for a competition, be it state, municipal or even federal.

Extra tip: always keep your documents in order

Finally, we always recommend our readers to keep their personal documents and receipts in order and stored in a safe place.

After all, you never know when you'll need this type of document, right? Do you enjoy reading content about citizen services? banking systems and financial health?

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Today you saw how to check education using your CPF and understood a little more about the importance of this type of document.

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