How do I cancel a Dafiti order?






Want to know how to cancel a Dafiti order? Are you lost with so much information on the internet? Your problems are over!

In this sense, many people make purchases through the Dafiti website and then do not know how to cancel.

After all, there are so many service options that we get lost in front of the computer screen or the application, right?


If you are going through this situation, know that after reading today's post, you will know exactly how to proceed in this impasse.

Without further ado, check out below how cancel Dafiti order in the correct and safe way, check it out!

Learn now how to cancel Dafiti order

Please note that there are currently three ways to cancel your order placed through the Dafiti platform.


This way, you can make the request by application, as well as through the company's website. In addition, Dafiti also allows you to cancel orders over the phone. In short, canceling an order is not difficult.

However, it is necessary to use the channels that we will show below. In other words, be very careful not to fall for scams or tricks from malicious people on the internet. Take note of our tips and save this post. Check it out!

Do it through the app

First, see how to cancel a Dafiti order through the app. To do this, simply access the app and click on your account.

Then, view your orders and click on the purchase you want to cancel. You can also exchange or return an order through the app. See how simple it is?

cancelar pedido dafiti

Step by step guide to canceling a Dafiti order on the website

From the same point of view, you can cancel an order through the company's website. To do this, go to page of the company and click enter.

Afterwards, you will need to log in to your account with e-mail and access password. Finally, select the purchase you wish to cancel, click on the cancellation option and confirm the action.

Is it possible to cancel over the phone?

Did you know that you can also cancel your order by phone? That's right!

Currently, this is one of the easiest ways to cancel your purchase made on the Dafiti website.

For that, just call (11) 3053-7500 or 0800 941 1360. We would like to point out that service is provided on weekdays and during business hours.

Is the company trustworthy?

Yes, Dafiti is a trustworthy company. To give you an idea, it has a good reputation on the website. Complain Here. Learn more about the subject in our next topic!

Dafiti Reputation

According to our research carried out on August 31, 2021, its score on an index of 0 to 10 was 7.8 on the consumer protection website.

In addition, the company has responded to more than 95% of customer complaints and more than 60% of website users say they would do business with this platform again.

Furthermore, we noticed that the resolution rate for the problems mentioned on the website had more than 88% of solution. In short, the Dafiti shopping platform is indeed a reliable and very safe website.

Do deliveries take a long time?

From the same point of view, we noticed that customers do not complain much about the delay in delivery of the products.

In this sense, deliveries are usually made within a maximum period of 15 days. However, in capital cities and metropolitan regions, deliveries are usually made in the same week as the order.

Be careful when buying clothes and shoes online

Whenever you are shopping for shoes and clothes online, pay attention to a few things. Among them, we can point out some security issues such as:

  • Always give priority to purchases on trustworthy websites that have a security certificate on their page. To find out if this exists on the website you are on, simply look at the top bar of your browser to see if there is a padlock. If so, the website has security certificates;
  • Also, check the comments from people who have already purchased this product and also check if the item has a good reputation, if users liked the service and if the orders actually arrived as expected.

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Did you enjoy learning how to cancel a Dafiti order? Tell us in the comments if you were able to perform the procedure with our tips!

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