How did ALAGOAS create a system to combat CELL PHONE THEFTS?






Learn all the details about this system, which is available in some states. It helps combat theft and robbery.

The number of cell phone thefts and robberies has increased throughout Brazil in recent months. As a result, many states have sought ways to combat these crimes and protect the population from criminals. One such state is Alagoas, which has been working to combat property crimes and one of the main strategies that has helped reduce the numbers is the Cell Phone Alert program.

The tool is important for preventing theft and robbery of cell phones, in addition to allowing the identification of illegal possession of these electronic devices, facilitating the location of potential victims. To access the platform's benefits, citizens need to register their cell phones and, if they have been victims of the action, inform the Public Security Department through the system, the information about the Police Report, already registered with the Civil Police.


Learn more about this service available in the state and discover how it works!


Cell Alert

According to the SSP's Chief of Information Technology, Major Anderson Cabral, it is important for people to enter their information on the platform as soon as they purchase the device. According to him, there is nothing to prevent this from being done later, but it is advisable to register immediately after the purchase, including details about the invoice and other important data. There is no limit to the number of devices that can be entered, but it is important that all possible information about the devices is entered, as this makes police work even easier.

The system creates a database of telephone devices and can be accessed online, via computers, cell phones and tablets. This database allows officers to check the status of the seized item during a police stop. Registration must be done through the website “”, by filling out a form. After logging in, the user must add the device, entering the necessary information and changing its status, if necessary.


One of the information to be included in the registration is the IMEI of the device, which works as an identification code for it. The simplest way to find out the number is through the cell phone's native dialer. Just access the keypad used to make calls and dial *#06#. After that, the number will be displayed on the device screen. Another way is to check the product packaging. Cell phone boxes usually have this information on a label.


According to the secretary of Internal Management of the secretariat, José Carlos dos Santos, the Alerta Celular platform has been fundamental in the fight against crime, as the state has registered a constant drop in number of robberies to passers-by. In September of this year, there was a drop of 31,29% compared to the same period in 2022. According to him, the reduction may have had the collaboration of the program, which is inhibiting the action of criminals.


The Alerta Celular platform is also available in other states in the country. Registration is linked to the public security department of each state, where users can register and enter information about their device. To find out more about availability and operation in each region, simply go to the state government website and search for the term, or look on the page dedicated to the security department.

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