Do you know what the Banco Original code for DOC and TED? Do you know how to use it and how transfers work? Even if you already know, check out this article! After all, it's always good to understand better and maybe you'll discover some new information.
Every customer of Original Bank Anyone wishing to make transfers, or anyone making transfers to account holders of this institution, needs this code. In short, it consists of a number that serves to identify all financial institutions in Brazil.
Therefore, each bank has a code of up to three digits that is essential for making DOC and TED transfers.
Before we discuss the Banco Original code for DOC and TED, we need to understand what each term means.
DOC is an acronym that means “Credit Order Document”. TED stands for “Available Electronic Transfer”. Both are types of interbank transfers.
The difference between them The TED is electronic and therefore the amount is deposited into the account immediately. Meanwhile, the DOC compensation is manual, transfers take one business day if they are made before 9:59 p.m. If they are made after this time, they will only be deposited on the second business day.
Did you find it confusing? Let us explain it better! For example, suppose you schedule a DOC at 10:15 pm on a Thursday. In this case, the money will not be available until Monday. And only if the following Friday is not a holiday.
Furthermore, DOC also has a limit value of R$$4,999.99. Any amount above R$5,000 cannot be transferred using it. TED used to have a minimum value, but this changed in 2016.
Therefore, understanding these concepts, you should keep the following considerations in mind when making a transfer:
- Fees charged for each type of transaction;
- Desired speed to make the transfer;
- The way in which the banks in question handle DOC and TED.
With that in mind, be very careful whenever you perform such operations, okay? If you make mistakes when entering data, for example, the transfer will not be made. If the money does not return to your account, contact the bank.

Clearing codes
Now let's talk about Banco Original's code for DOC and TED. It is advisable to understand what this code is, even before knowing what its digits are.
All banks authorized to operate in Brazil receive a clearing code from the Central Bank. This code is used to identify the financial institution within both the national and international financial systems.
It is very important not to confuse it with the agency code. The latter has a five-digit prefix followed by a check digit. To make it easier, here are some examples of compensation codes:
- Banco Bradesco SA- 237
- Bank of Brazil SA – 001
- Itau Bank BBA SA – 184
- Santander Bank – 033
There you go! If you need the code for a specific bank, you shouldn't have any trouble finding it now. But if you've read this far, you might be wondering about a specific code.
The Original Bank Code
Well, finally, check out the number used in Banco Original's code for DOC and TED. It's a short number with only three digits, so you shouldn't forget it. If your memory is bad, then write it down on a piece of paper, okay?
Its three digits are: 212
Therefore, whenever you make a transfer in this Digital Bank, the digits of the identification code will be “212”. In addition, this number is also used to pay bills and make deposits.
By the way, did you know that Banco Original was created from the merger of Banco Matone and Banco JBS? Their codes were: “212” and “079” respectively.
Making transfers
So now you know what Banco Original's code is for DOC and TED. But do you already know how to make the transfers? It's a good idea to check just in case!
To make a transfer, you just need to have access to your account and you can do it from your cell phone. Banco Original is very practical because it is completely digital.
Finally, grab your device, select the type of transaction you want to make. Fill in all the necessary information and complete the transaction.
If it doesn't work, something may have been done incorrectly. Maybe you filled in the data incorrectly, for example.
To resolve the issue, send the proof of transfer to the beneficiary and contact their bank. They should be able to advise you on what to do next.
However, if you find that the other bank did not receive the transfer, then the problem is on your side. So, contact Banco Original and find out what happened.
Anyway, that's some general information about the Banco Original code for DOC and TED. In short, you have seen how these interbank transfers work, what the code is and its digits in some banks. Leave questions and suggestions in the comments.