The highly anticipated new feature is currently in the testing phase and should be available soon on the app. Find out all the details! The use of WhatsApp has made it increasingly easier for users to interact with each other, both for personal and professional matters. As a result, the app has made some updates, bringing […]
The new smartphone has arrived to prove that size doesn’t matter. Find out all the details about this new product here! With the constant launch of new apps and the boom in social networks, there’s nothing better than having a good, easy-to-use and compact cell phone, right? And with that in mind, several brands are innovating and […]
Have you ever thought about talking internationally without spending a fortune? Read the text and find out how. For those who travel outside of Brazil, roaming services can be a huge headache. Without it, it is impossible to make calls, send messages, and in short, maintain communication with people in your country of residence. In this case, what […]
Find out what accumulated data causes on your cell phone and learn how to solve it. If you notice your smartphone freezing in some application, slowing down or losing performance, the problem may be the accumulation of data. Keeping screenshots, photos that you no longer use or even unnecessary emails can harm not only your […]
Still in doubt? Understand once and for all the distinction between 4G and 5G networks. With the rise in remote work styles and the ever-increasing demand for high-quality, high-speed networks, new technologies tend to emerge. This is the case of the new generation of mobile connections: 5G. It […]
The company is the first in the world to reach this valuation. After years and years of history and great global success, the technology giant, Apple, broke a new record by becoming the first company in the world to reach a market value of US$1,400,000 billion. According to data from TradeMap, the company had […]
Rules are ideal for maintaining good manners and harmony in everyday interactions. With the advancement of technology, the use of cell phones has become increasingly common in our daily lives, due to the ease and speed of information and interactions with people from anywhere in the world. But, to […]
Marca inova no ramo dos smartphones. Descubra as características deste celular fantástico. A Xiaomi, empresa de tecnologia multinacional, deu uma boa notícia aos usuários de smartphones que gostam de novidades. O próximo grande lançamento da marca será um novo, e esperado, celular dobrável. A garantia se deu pelo próprio Lu Weibing, presidente da organização, quando […]
Entre os aplicativos encontrados no nosso celular, é comum que alguns cosumam mais bateria do que o necessário. E em alguns casos são aplicativos que nem usamos com frequência. Como, por exemplo, os aplicativos do Google que vem de forma padrão instalados nos celulares Android. E existe um aplicativo que, embora não seja utilizado de […]
Hoje em dia todos usam celular. É raro encontrar alguém que não utilize essa ferramenta que se tornou quase que algo obrigatório no nosso dia-a-dia. E sendo algo tão essencial, é natural que, quando o aparelho está com bateria fraca, que nós queiramos que ela seja recarregada o mais rápido possível. Aqui separamos algumas dicas […]