Celulares - Page 80

WhatsApp scam: how to AVOID losing MONEY and being scammed

Learn how to avoid scams on the app, which has caused many Brazilians to lose money. WhatsApp is one of the most used apps in Brazil, making life and work easier for thousands of people every day. The tool is very useful for communicating, has no ads and is free. Even with all these advantages, […]

Treat your CELL PHONE PHOTOS with Artificial Intelligence!

Aplicativos de edição usam IA para melhorar as imagens. Descubra quais são e como usá-los! A inteligência artificial tem estado cada dia mais presente na nossa rotina, nos ajudando em várias tarefas, das mais simples às mais complexas. A IA já tem feito parte do cotidiano das pessoas por meio de assistentes de voz, mecanismos […]

Discover the APPLICATIONS launched by Mark Zuckerberg that are true CLONES of competitors

In addition to the recent Threads, Meta is also accused of cloning other successful social networks. Every day we see new social networks emerging, with countless different proposals, whether for interactions with exchanging messages or sharing photos, videos and more. Recently, Threads was launched and has been causing a stir, as it […]

iPhone 15 Pro Max: meet Apple's MOST EXPENSIVE and EXCLUSIVE cell phone

The device will have exclusive features. Production will begin next month! With increasingly advanced features, processors and cameras, Apple products are becoming increasingly technological and pleasing consumers, who eagerly await each launch. With this, the brand has been investing even more in different devices and with […]

LOST your Samsung phone? FREE feature helps you find it!

A special feature also helps you find other devices from the brand. Find out which ones! Whoever has never been through this, throw the first stone: using your cell phone and suddenly realizing that you have lost your Samsung cell phone, spending ages looking for it and already thinking about buying another one… Data from a survey conducted with a thousand young people in the United States […]

WhatsApp brings NEWS for those who use its COMMUNITIES: find out what it is

The app has been looking for solutions to make it even easier for users to use! The WhatsApp app has been a “helping hand” in users’ daily lives, as it has several features and facilitates communication between people and companies around the world. With that, the platform has been thinking more and more about […]

How to PROTECT your cell phone for FREE and in real time

Aprenda um modo fácil e rápido de obter mais segurança para o seu smartphone. Atualmente, o celular é algo indispensável na rotina da maioria das pessoas. O dispositivo é compacto, leve e pode ser levado junto consigo para onde for. Por isso, é bastante utilizado não só para questões pessoais, como de trabalho também.   […]

PROTECTED cell phone: technology prevents fraud in your BANKING applications

Empresa brasileira investe em segurança para dados e quer acabar com os golpes A tecnologia trouxe uma grande facilidade em pagamentos e negócios pelo celular, mas nem todos se sentem protegidos. No Brasil, os golpes e fraudes são cada vez mais frequentes. Todos os dias há notícias de novos esquemas prejudiciais a segurança pública e […]

How to MAKE MONEY on the Internet with your CELL PHONE in a simple way? Learn here!

The online market is growing more and more. Find out how to be a part of it and earn extra income with your smartphone. It’s no secret that the world is becoming more and more connected. It’s well known that the internet has completely changed the ways of communicating, interacting and, most importantly, working that existed before. This new way of doing business has opened up a range of […]

Discover a POWERFUL, ECOLOGICAL cell phone that you can repair YOURSELF!

Saiba mais sobre esse aparelho sustentável, que não perde nada em qualidade. As palavras “celular” e “ecológico” parecem até mesmo antônimos, por, aparentemente não terem nada entre si. Porém, isso não é mais totalmente verdade. Há tempos a tecnologia vem buscando se alinhar aos interesses sustentáveis mundiais. Mesmo que esse objetivo ainda não esteja tão […]