Cell Phones in the Crosshairs: Increase in Robberies and New Penalties Under Debate






In Brazil, the numbers related to cell phone thefts and robberies are alarming. In 2022, the country witnessed an increase of 16.6% compared to the previous year, totaling almost one million occurrences.

Photo: Canva

Growing Scale of Cell Phone Thefts

This reflects an average of 2,738 cell phones stolen per day, or approximately 114 per hour. This data, taken from the 17th Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, reveals a worrying trend and a growing challenge for public security.

In light of this scenario, a legislative initiative has emerged to address the problem. Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) has proposed a bill that seeks to toughen penalties for theft and robbery of cell phones. The proposal calls for increasing the penalty for theft to up to 8 years in prison, with even harsher penalties for robberies, which can reach 12 years in prison. The bill, which amends the Penal Code, classifies the theft of a cell phone through fraud and breach of trust as robbery, a significant change to current legislation.


Flávio Bolsonaro justifies the measure by highlighting the current reality, where cell phones have become not only communication devices, but also essential tools for financial transactions. According to him, this attracts criminals who target not only the device itself, but also access to victims' financial resources. The proposal aims to adapt criminal legislation to the current reality, seeking to dissuade and punish these criminal practices more severely.

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Government Efforts for Prevention and Control

In parallel with the legislative measures, and as a complementary action, the federal government launched the “Celular Seguro” application. This application, developed in close collaboration with the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) and the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), emerges as an innovative tool.


It allows for the immediate blocking of telephone lines and devices in cases of robbery and theft. In addition, this initiative seeks to minimize losses for victims and, at the same time, discourage the practice of these crimes, offering a quick and efficient response.

On the other hand, the growing statistics of cell phone thefts and robberies in Brazil demand a robust and multifaceted response. In this context, Flávio Bolsonaro’s legislative proposal, together with the launch of the “Celular Seguro” app, represent significant steps in this direction.

Furthermore, with these initiatives, it is hoped not only to punish offenders more effectively, but also, and perhaps more importantly, to prevent future occurrences and protect Brazilian citizens from these crimes that are becoming increasingly common.

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