Cell Phones in the Classroom: Solution or Obstacle to Modern Education?






In a movement that is gaining momentum globally, several countries, including giants such as France, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, China, England, Brazil and now the United States, are adopting laws that restrict or prohibit the use of cell phones and social networks in schools, in order to promote a more focused learning environment. Florida, with its more than 22 million inhabitants, is the latest example of this trend, implementing a strict policy against the use of smartphones in classrooms as of September 2023.

The UNESCO Report and the Debate on Technology in Education

According to UNESCO’s “Global Education Monitoring Report 2023”, a quarter of countries already have legislation on the subject. This report raises a crucial question: how to balance the presence of technology in education? Thais Rugolo, a lawyer specializing in children’s rights, points out that the ban aims to minimize distractions and improve students’ focus. Furthermore, she highlights the importance of considering the positive potential of technology in learning.

Rugolo emphasizes that, in order to transform electronic devices into educational allies, careful planning is necessary, seeking a balance and defining clear objectives for the use of these tools. She argues that we cannot ignore the potential of technology to spark students' curiosity and make learning more engaging, especially in an increasingly digital world.


In Brazil, similar laws have already been implemented or are in the legislative process in several states. In São Paulo, for example, a 2007 law prohibited the use of cell phones in the classroom, but was changed in 2016. More recently, Rio de Janeiro held a public consultation to assess the feasibility of restricting the use of cell phones in the city’s schools.

The Challenge of Finding Balance

Among the benefits and challenges, it is essential to keep a close and careful eye on the use of cell phones by children and adolescents. With the constant increase in the use of social networks and smartphones by young people, excessively strict prohibitions, without considering the perspective of students, can end up distancing them from their studies and school activities.

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