CELL PHONES available at AUCTION: how does it work?






The Federal Revenue Service will soon hold an auction with several electronic devices available. Find out more!

For users who want to buy cell phones and other electronic devices more cheaply, auctions can be a good option. Next Tuesday (19), the Federal Revenue Service will hold an auction with goods and vehicles that were seized or abandoned. The event is being promoted by the police station in Ribeirão Preto, in the interior of São Paulo.

There will be 350 lots, which include items such as cell phones, smart watches, notebooks, tablets, speakers, headphones, microphones, cameras, calculators, toys, jewelry, clothes, tools, lamps, fishing items, utensils, wines, trailers, trucks, vans, buses, cars and scrap metal.


But is it worth buying an auction item? How does it work? Find out now!



The IRS highlighted that goods such as cell phones and accessories cannot be sold, and are intended only for the personal use of the successful bidder, even if they are purchased by a legal entity.

The period for receiving proposals began on the 4th and will continue until the 18th, next Monday, until 9 pm, Brasília time. The online public session for classification and ordering of proposals is scheduled for the 19th, Tuesday, at 9 am, also Brasília time.


How to participate

Only individuals over 18 years of age with CPF can bid at Federal Revenue auctions. Legal entities must be regularly registered in the National Registry of Legal Entities. Participation in the auction will take place through the Electronic Auction System, accessed via the Virtual Taxpayer Service Center, using digital identities from the gov.br account, with Silver or Gold level.


It is possible to view the items before bidding, by appointment on regular business days, at the addresses, dates and times indicated in the auction notice. The items are located in various locations and units of the Federal Revenue Service in the state of São Paulo, such as Araraquara, Franco da Rocha, São Sebastião, Santos, Presidente Prudente, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba and Taubaté.

Visits are limited to two people at a time and stay for one hour. Individuals may only access the site upon presentation of an official photo ID.

The legal entity must present a corporate bylaw or equivalent document, in addition to an official identification document of the responsible partner or legally appointed attorney. The notice, information about goods and the auction can be found on the page dedicated to the IRS event.

Interested parties can purchase items like cell phones, electronic devices, toys, jewelry, clothing, fishing accessories, tools, lighting, kitchen utensils and imported wines, as well as cars, trailers, trucks, vans and bus, in addition to vehicles in scrap condition with and without reused parts. There will be 350 lots in total, of goods and vehicles that were abandoned or seized for different reasons.

It is worth it?

Buying at auction can often be worthwhile, as items can be cheaper than if purchased in a store. However, it is important that the interested party pays attention to the rules of the auctions, considers the distance that will have to be traveled to collect the purchased merchandise, pays the full amount within 8 days and is aware that the purchase must be of the entire lot and not just the item that is desired.

It is important to read the full notice to understand the rules that vary and avoid surprises at the time of purchase. In addition, it is also interesting to evaluate the items to see their condition.

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