Cell phone freezing, how to solve it?






Is your phone freezing? Find out in our article what the possible causes of this freezing are and how to solve this problem. 

Main problems and solutions for cell phone crashes

See below the main problems with cell phones that are freezing and how to fix them

Problem: Insufficient memory

More and more applications are being launched to help us with our tasks or even to distract us. However, the more complex the application, the more space it takes up in the cell phone's memory.


In addition to applications, our files also take up space in the Smartphone's memory. 

However, when we do not respect the available space of each cell phone, it starts to crash, becoming a big problem in many people's lives.

Solution: Freeing up space

To solve this problem, simply clean your device and delete applications and files that are not being used frequently. 


Most current smartphone models have a data and cache cleaning application. However, the user can also download a application to solve this problem. There are several free and paid types.

All these processes guarantee more storage space and, consequently, greater functionality and practicality.

Celular travando o que será

Problem: Outdated operating system

Another problem that can cause your cell phone to slow down and freeze is failing to update the system. 

System updates play a fundamental role in ensuring that your device works perfectly. They are used to correct possible errors and optimize your phone. 

Solution: Update the system

To resolve this issue, simply update your device. See below how to proceed.

Go to your phone’s “Settings” or “Adjustments”; look for the “System” or “About phone” tab; then tap the “Update system” option.

If there are pending updates, they will be installed, optimizing your device.

Problem: Old models

As we said before, it is essential to install all updates on your device, however, some models, usually older ones, do not have enough memory to optimize updates, causing the device to crash.

Solution: Change device 

In these cases, the ideal would be to exchange the old model for a more current model.

Problem: Virus

Have you ever come across an advertising message appearing on your cell phone screen or when you opened a file? 

This is a clear sign of virus, which can cause damage to your cell phone.

Solution: Formatting the device

The most suitable solution for this type of problem is device formatting. However, before carrying out this process, it is important to make a backup of your most important files.

You can save your files on another device using your cell phone's USB cable, or save the data in your personal account using Google Drive for Gmail accounts or OneDrive for Hotmail and Outlook accounts. 

After saving the data, go to “Device settings” and look for “System” or “About phone”; Then look for restore default device settings.

Problem: Apps active in the background

Many people are unaware of this fact, but many applications run in the background of our cell phones and can cause them to crash. 

If you are the type of person who leaves several application tabs open, be aware that this may be compromising the functionality of your device.

Depending on the size and quantity, applications that run in the background consume a lot of memory and require the device to work harder to function with the same speed.

Solution: Close background apps

The solution to this type of problem is very simple. Just close all applications that are open in the background to save battery and memory on your phone.

Problem: Damaged battery

Another possible reason for the cell phone freezing could be a problem with the battery.

You may not know, but all electronics, whether televisions, notebooks or even cell phones, are manufactured with a useful lifespan.

When this deadline is reached, some factors start to present problems. Perhaps your battery has reached this deadline. 

Solution: Change the battery

The ideal thing to do in these cases is to replace the battery. But don't worry, before carrying out this procedure, it is advisable that you take your cell phone to a certified technical assistance center to inspect the situation accurately.

If the problem is the battery, always choose original products. Counterfeit batteries can damage your device.

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We are going to share a video here that can help you in cases where your cell phone is freezing. Check it out:

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