Neon credit card: check out the step-by-step guide to applying






The Neon credit card is a great option for those who want a credit card with no annual fee. In addition, the card offers benefits such as cashback, discounts on purchases and an elastic limit. 

In this article, you will learn how to apply for your Neon credit card and what its main advantages are. To find out more information, just continue reading!

What is the Neon credit card?

The credit card Neon It is a great option for those who want to make their purchases with more peace of mind and fewer fees. With it, you only pay for what you spend, there is no annual fee and you can adjust your own limit in the app. 


With more than 1.5 million cards issued in the country, it is one of the most renowned financial institutions in Brazil, with good reviews from its customers and account holders.

With the Neon card, you can have access to a truly free card, free of fees and unpleasant surprises. In other words, the financial institution emphasizes the point that the customer will only pay for what they spend and will not need to worry about hidden fees. 

In addition, it offers a unique technology to its customers: the elastic limit. If you have already used up your card's limit, simply activate the elastic limit function and purchases above the limit will be approved by the institution, to help you with emergencies or purchases that were not planned in your budget.


Finally, it also offers cashback on all purchases over R$1.00 on your credit card. You can do whatever you want with the amounts, even use them as a discount on the total amount of your bill.

How does the Neon card work?

THE Neon credit card It works simply and without bureaucracy. With no annual fees or maintenance fees, it helps with everyday purchases and does not bring monthly fees or surprise fees to your account. 

You only pay for what you spend and you also have access to special interest rates for installments. It also offers a virtual card for online purchases, making your purchases and personal data more secure.

What is the annual fee for this card?

The Neon credit card, in addition to having several benefits, has no fees and no annual fee. In other words, you only pay for what you spend and can even request a limit increase directly through your app.

What is the credit card limit?

The credit card limit is the amount that the financial institution stipulates for the customer to use for purchases, up until the invoice closing date. 

In short, it is the total amount of credit that the company makes available for your monthly purchases, without needing cash or a debit balance, for example.

The Neon credit card has a different limit for each person, as it is only released after a credit analysis. 

With a good analysis of your financial profile, the amount may be higher or lower, depending on the conclusions of the financial institution.

How to apply for the Neon credit card?

To request your Neon card, the first step is to create your account with the institution by downloading the app. The app is available for download on the Google Play Store and the App Store. To have access to the credit card, you must have an active account with Neon.

After creating your account and confirming that all your information is correct and up to date, go to the “credit” tab in the app and choose the “take out credit” option. Simply request the card and wait for the bank’s approval.

The steps for card approval are simple. The bank's first step is to approve your checking account, which must be active and have correct information to apply for your credit card. 

When approving your documents, the company also analyzes your financial history and score with credit protection institutions, as well as your consumption history, payment habits, etc.

With this, Neon will either approve or reject your card. However, according to the institution, it is always renewing its way of analyzing and approving credit. Therefore, if you have applied for the card and it has not been approved, do not give up. 

There are some tips that can help with the approval of the Neon card, such as:

  • Use your Neon account and debit card frequently;
  • Make your Neon account your main current account for payments and receipt of salaries, amounts, etc.;
  • Port your salary to the bank;
  • Pay your bills every day with your account, so that the institution understands your financial habits;
  • etc.

We hope that our content helps you with your main questions about the card and that you will soon be able to use all of its benefits.

See you next time!

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