Robber is tracked after taking a selfie with an iPhone






You must have already heard the story of someone who had your cell phone was stolen, especially those who have a more expensive cell phone, such as the latest iPhone models. Unfortunately, this is a very common reality in the country's large cities, but it is clear that this is not a crime that only occurs in Brazil.

An interesting story happened in Portugal, where luckily the device was recovered thanks to the brilliant work done by Apple's tracking systems.

A store in Lisbon was robbed and the criminal had taken everything that was in the reception, which included an iPhone 11. At least 500 meters away, the robber went to check if the device had been unlocked and opened the camera, where from the moment he took a selfie with iphone, perhaps without realizing it, began to be tracked.


iPhone was connected to the same Apple ID as the victim

The victim's luck is that the iPhone was logged into the same Apple ID as her iPad, and a short time later the photo appeared on the tablet. This evidence was presented to the police, who went to the store to register the incident.

In fact, unlocking the iPhone unlock code is not an easy task, with the SIM PIN being active and the iPhone's search feature also being activated, just go to Settings – Apple and again to Find My iPhone. The victim decided not to lock the remote option of his iPhone.

To find the location of the iPhone, they used the Find My app on the iPad and were able to track the robber's steps, recording the last places the robber had been. The next day, it was found that the iPhone was moving and at that moment the victim went to the police station to show where the robber was.


Phone was found switched off and without SIM card

When found, the phone was switched off and also without the SIM chip, however, it did not stop transmitting the location, due to a new feature in iOS 15, which allowed the iPhone to be located even when turned off or offline, which needs to be configured through the settings.

The criminal had tried restore iPhone, however, as he was unable to do so because he did not have the unlock password for the app, he ended up abandoning the phone in the garden where he had found it.

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