Find out now if you will need to pay a fee to keep your X profile active. The network announced a new feature last week! The world of social networks has been growing more and more and, of course, bringing new features to users. However, some new features are not so popular, especially on X, the former Twitter, which has […]
Learn about this WhatsApp feature and how to activate it. It’s very useful! The WhatsApp messaging app is well-known for its large number of users, which is constantly growing day after day. As a result, the platform has invested more and more in its security and privacy features, to offer the best […]
The platform launched a new feature this week. Learn more about it! WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps in Brazil, due to its ease of use and many features. Many users use the app to resolve personal and work-related issues quickly and easily. To further improve the […]
Do you want to unlink your Facebook from Instagram? See the step-by-step guide here! How to unlink Instagram from Facebook? This is a very common question among users who want to connect and separate two social networks. The good news is that this process is very simple and can be completed in just a few steps using […]
Is there a perfect video editor for your phone? Check out this list of apps to customize your video using your smartphone. The task of editing videos online on your phone or computer can be simplified with the help of free websites available on the Internet. Platforms like Canva, Kapwing and Adobe Creative Cloud feature intuitive interfaces that […]
O WhatsApp consome muita bateria, mas existem técnicas para economizá-la. Saiba mais agora! Você já parou para pensar que um dos aplicativos mais populares do mundo pode prejudicar a bateria do seu celular? Com mais de 120 milhões de usuários no Brasil, o WhatsApp é quase que um item obrigatório nos celular, mas o consumo […]
Saiba como criar sua conta no Instagram do zero. Veja o tutorial e comece a navegar na rede. Uma conta no Instagram permite compartilhar publicações nas redes sociais, sendo também interessante curtir e comentar as publicações de outros usuários. Você pode criar uma conta no app do zero usando o aplicativo móvel ou visitando o […]
Find out what to expect from mobile gaming in the coming months. Check out the news here! Ten years ago, predictions that smartphones would be the future of video games made even the most die-hard gamers laugh. Today, this is a reality that many of them don’t even realize. Mobile devices have won over countless casual gamers, offering games […]
Learn how to change your Facebook password and ensure greater security for your account. It’s very easy! Facebook is still a widely used social network around the world, especially in Brazil. Therefore, knowing how to change the password used on the platform is a very important action, mainly for security reasons […]
Veja o que os aplicativos do seu celular estão fazendo com os seus dados. A resposta vai te deixar chocado! Uma pesquisa global realizada pela especialista em segurança cibernética Nord VPN descobriu que a maioria dos aplicativos instalados em telefones celulares solicitam acesso a mais dados do que o necessário para o funcionamento do sistema. […]