GPS apps help drivers escape fires


With the increased risk of rural fires in São Paulo, driven by the adverse weather conditions forecast for this weekend, drivers planning trips through the interior of the state now have some extra help.

GPS navigation apps like Google Maps and Waze have incorporated real-time information about areas affected by fire and smoke, allowing drivers to make safer decisions when choosing their routes.


For those who need to travel from São Paulo to Ribeirão Preto, for example, Google Maps is already starting to issue alerts indicating that the route may include sections with the presence of fire or smoke on the highways.

This feature is especially useful during a period when the weather forecast indicates conditions conducive to the occurrence of new fires, such as dry weather, high temperatures and strong winds.

Aplicativos de GPS estão ajudando motoristas a evitarem tragédias em incêndios pelo interior de São Paulo e além.
GPS apps are helping drivers avoid tragedies in fires in the interior of São Paulo and beyond –

Technology and Road Safety

On Thursday afternoon, navigation apps began notifying drivers about a fire in progress on the Anhanguera highway (SP-330), in the section that crosses the municipality of Sertãozinho.

In addition to the imminent danger of flames, there is the additional risk of low visibility caused by smoke, which can lead to serious accidents. An example of this occurred last week, when a pile-up involving seven vehicles was recorded on the Brigadeiro Faria Lima Highway (SP-326), near Bebedouro.

The accident was caused by dense smoke from a nearby fire.

Real-time alert features provided by apps like Google Maps and Waze become essential to avoid risky situations on the roads.

GPS app users help everyone

These apps not only map alternative routes, but also allow users to report specific hazards they encounter along the way. On Waze, for example, drivers can report fires or other hazards on the road, helping to keep other drivers safe while they’re on the same route.

However, Waze does not yet have a specific category for reporting fires and smoke, so it is necessary to use the available options to indicate other types of danger, such as fog or flooding. This shows an opportunity for developers to improve the platform by adding a functionality dedicated to fires, especially in regions where this type of event is recurrent.

In addition to Waze and Google Maps, the Maps app for iPhone was also tested by our team. While this app lists roadblocks and traffic jams, it is not as effective as the other two when it comes to alerting drivers to specific danger spots, such as fires and smoke.

This suggests that, despite the various navigation options available, not all are equally prepared to deal with environmental emergencies like those observed in São Paulo.

Pay attention to alert information inside and outside applications

With the state on alert for adverse weather conditions, including dry weather, high temperatures and strong winds, the use of navigation apps becomes even more relevant. Even drivers who are familiar with the roads they usually travel can benefit from the alerts and real-time updates offered by GPS.

The recommendation from authorities, such as Civil Defense, is that all drivers inform themselves about route conditions before leaving home, using these technological tools to ensure a safe journey.

Although the cold and humid weather temporarily helped control some fires in rural areas of São Paulo during the week, the forecast indicates that the situation will worsen again from today onwards. The most critical days are expected to be Saturday and Sunday, with the northern and northwestern regions of the state being the most affected by the risk of new fires.

Given this scenario, it is essential that drivers are prepared and make use of available technologies to avoid routes that could put them at risk. The integration of weather and emergency data into navigation applications represents a significant advance in road safety, allowing more informed decisions to be made in real time.

Civil Defense reinforces the importance of seeking updated information before any travel, especially during alert periods, to guarantee the safety of everyone traveling on the roads of the interior of São Paulo.

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