e-Título App: A Complete Guide to Features and Benefits






THE e-Title is the official Electoral Justice application that digitizes voter registration cards, offering a variety of services that make it easier and more accessible for citizens to participate in elections.

Since its launch in 2017, the app has been continuously updated to include new features, which has made it an indispensable tool for millions of Brazilian voters.

According to the Panorama Mobile Time/Opinion Box Survey – Passwords and biometrics in Brazil, released in November last year, e-Título is the second most used government application by Brazilians, present in 43% of cell phones. It is behind only the digital National Driver's License (CNH), which leads with 52%.


Furthermore, the e-Title was recognized as one of the best government applications in Brazil, occupying the seventh position in the iBest Award 2023. Currently, the application has more than 43.5 million users, standing out for the practicality and security offered in its functionalities.

Confira como usar o aplicativo e-título para a Eleições 2024 e veja todas as funções que ele oferece para os brasileiros.
Check out how to use the e-título app for the 2024 Elections and see all the functions it offers to Brazilians – photo: disclosure / Agência Brasil.

Main Features of e-Title

THE e-Title goes far beyond being a simple digital version of the voter registration card. It offers a series of services that can be accessed directly from the smartphone, without the need to go to an electoral office. Here are some of the main features that the application offers:

  1. Digital Voter Registration Card: With the e-Title, voters have access to a digital version of their voter registration card, eliminating the need to carry a printed version. Personal data registered with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) is securely available in the app, accessible at any time. This feature also helps reduce costs, as it replaces the printed document.
  2. Print File: For those who still prefer to have a physical version of the document, the e-Title allows you to generate a file in PDF format, which can be printed. This option is available in the “More options” section of the application.
  3. Biometrics: The app indicates whether the voter has already had their fingerprints collected, which speeds up the identification process on voting day. Even if biometrics have not been collected, the voter can vote by presenting an official document with a photo. With facial biometrics collected, the voter's photo appears on the e-Título, allowing voting using only the app.

See also:

  1. Voting Location: The e-Title informs the voter's zone and polling station. In addition, it shows the name of the school and the exact voting location on a map. The application also offers the option of plotting the route to the voting location, using external navigation applications.
  2. Important Notifications: The e-Title sends relevant notifications about the electoral process, such as important dates and pending matters. To receive these messages, you must allow notifications in your smartphone settings.
  3. Certificates: Through the application, it is possible to issue certificates such as Electoral Clearance, No Criminal Record for Electoral Matters and Declaration of Electoral Work. These certificates can be used as proof in various situations.
  4. Electoral Situation: The e-Title allows you to check the status of your voter registration card. Those who have had their registration card cancelled or suspended must regularize the situation before the deadline, which is 150 days before the election. This year, the deadline is May 8.
  5. Justification of Absence: The app makes it easier to justify your absence on election day. The justification can be made for both the current election and past elections. Those who prefer to justify their absence in person can use the app to locate the nearest electoral office.
  6. Consultation and Payment of Electoral Debts: Voters can check and pay possible electoral fines directly through the app. Payment can be made via credit card or PIX, with automatic regularization of the electoral situation.
  7. Authenticity of Documents: The e-Title allows you to verify the authenticity of documents issued by the Electoral Court using a QR Code. This feature guarantees the veracity of information in certificates and other official documents.
  8. Authentication Code: The application generates a temporary code that can be used for authentication in compatible services. This feature is especially useful to support the creation of political parties, allowing electronic signature of supporters.
  9. Volunteer Poll Worker Registration: Those interested in actively participating in the elections as poll workers can register directly at e-Title. This option is a practical way to volunteer and contribute to the electoral process.
  10. Direct Links and Accessibility: The e-Title provides direct links to the TSE Portal and the Fact or Rumor page, which debunks fake news about the electoral process. The app is also designed to be accessible to everyone, with specific features for users with special needs, such as color blindness.

The voter's tool

THE e-Title It is an essential tool for Brazilian voters, bringing together in a single application several services that make citizens' lives easier.

With it, it is possible to participate actively and in an informed manner in the electoral process, saving time and resources. Whether to justify an absence, check pending issues or simply stay informed, e-Title stands out as one of the best government apps currently available. Keep the app updated and make the most of all the features offered by the Electoral Court.

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