Secure Mobile App Blocks 650 Devices Daily Since Launch






Digital security takes center stage with the Celular Seguro app, developed by the federal government to protect smartphones and digital apps. Since its launch on Wednesday (20), the platform has blocked an average of 652 devices per day, totaling 3,261 devices as of this Sunday (24), in response to cases of theft or robbery, according to data from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

Photo: Canva

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Main Highlights

  • Secure Cellular blocks 652 devices daily since launch.
  • Total of 3,261 devices blocked due to theft or robbery so far.
  • More than 600 thousand registrations (CPFs) and 441 thousand connected devices.

The application, accessible through the website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security or in online application stores, has already attracted more than 600 thousand registrations, with more than 441 thousand connected devices. It is worth noting that the same CPF can be associated with several devices.


Data Recovery and Downloads

According to information from the Ministry, the application, which is available free of charge, does not offer the option of temporary blocking. If the device is recovered, the user must contact the telephone operator and other partners of the Safe Cell Phone Project, such as banks and applications, in order to reactivate access.

On the Google Play Store, 465,150 thousand downloads were recorded for Android devices, while iPhone devices (iOS) accounted for 194 thousand downloads, making the application the most downloaded in the country for two consecutive days.

Read now: Safe Cell Phone: GOV.BR launches app to combat cell phone theft and robbery


Registration and Blocking

The process of registering for Celular Seguro requires the user to access their account on the portal with their CPF and password. There is no limit to the number of numbers that can be registered, but it is essential to link them to the CPF to block them in the event of theft or robbery. The registered user can indicate trusted people who are authorized to block them.

The app does not access user phone data or send emails or links. It aims to prevent the misuse of stolen cell phones by allowing remote blocking of bank accounts and the device's signal. Blocking, however, can take up to 24 hours after the claim is registered, depending on the banking institution.

IMEI Identification Number

It is worth noting that blocking telephone lines using IMEI codes will come into effect by February 2024. Users can find the IMEI in the “Settings” menu of their device or on the packaging. So far, 12 banks, including Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Itaú and Santander, have joined the project.

In short, Celular Seguro represents a positive initiative, using in an intelligent and collaborative way to strengthen digital security in Brazil. Although it has its limitations, the application offers an additional layer of protection, promoting integration between the public and private sectors in the search for effective solutions.

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