5 tips to increase your productivity while working from home






Working from home is a work model desired by many and which has become even more present in the daily lives of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because the need for social distancing has forced companies to think of strategies to protect employees and maintain their operations.

However, since this model was not common, many people who had to work from home faced situations such as low productivity and difficulty concentrating. Many of them still defend the use of offices, claiming that remote work does not work. However, it is not known when it will be possible to return to the office and not working is not an option, so it is necessary to adapt to this scenario and look for solutions to increase productivity. Therefore, be sure to read this post and learn once and for all how to be productive at home.


Móveis home office

The first step is to find the best space in your home to work, taking into account factors such as natural and artificial lighting, view, whether there are sockets nearby and the possibility of movement, after all in a cramped space it is difficult to be productive. From there, invest in custom furniture is the ideal solution, as they are custom-made and personalized according to your height, preference for colors, textures, functionality, number of drawers, shelves, etc. Office furniture such as chairs are also part of the set, which is the best way to stay comfortable throughout the day and consequently increase your productivity.


Furthermore, custom furniture will be adapted to your space, making it more optimized without hindering circulation (if you have a small space) and helping with organization.


Speaking of organization, it is essential for those who want to have a productive day. The decoration of the environment should be done thinking as if it were really an office, including items that are used most frequently in an accessible way, so that you don't waste time looking for what you need. However, you need to be careful not to put too many things and produce less by getting distracted by objects, photos, etc.

As mentioned, custom furniture is a way to keep your space organized, but you need to help to avoid leaving papers scattered around the table, glasses, coffee cups, etc. A good tip is to put away what you don't use, leaving only the most important items on display. Also, if you want to have a cup of coffee while you work, choose to do it in the kitchen, this way you avoid the mess and still have time to rest a little.



Home office distrações

Turn off any items that may cause distractions, such as TV, cell phone or tablet. As great as they are sources of information, it is very easy to get distracted and spend half an hour interacting and consuming content. Furthermore, even if you are working normally, having the TV on can harm your attention and reduce your performance. Therefore, turn off the TV and social media notifications so that you are not tempted to access them outside of working hours. By the way, don't be fooled into thinking that LinkedIn, as a social network for professionals, can be accessed; the ideal is to use it before or after your workday.

Get out of the place

Even if you work from the comfort of your home, we know that tiredness does not diminish, and it is necessary to take short breaks during the day to relax and clear your head, which can lead to new ideas. From time to time, take some time to walk around a bit. home, do some stretching, eat some fruit, pet your animals and talk to your children. This is very important, since being at home can make us feel even more pressured and want to give even more. The pressure ends up being so great that it can hinder productivity and cause exactly what we don't want to happen.

Working hours

Horário de trabalho home office

As mentioned, it is common for people to think that they have to deliver much more than they are used to just because they are at home, forgetting about schedules and working even more than before. Meeting the stipulated workload is essential for you to be able to manage your day in a healthy way and consequently be more productive. Therefore, start work at the time you usually start at the office, take your lunch break calmly and end the day after your workday (which may vary between different roles). This way, you will be able to do physical activities, spend time with your family, with your pets and have some time for yourself. This is very important to improve your quality of life and, of course, make you more productive.

However, it is important to make it clear that we are living in the midst of a pandemic and it is normal not to be as productive at home as you used to be in the office 100% of the time. However, some techniques like the ones mentioned above can help you and improve your day at work, even if it is at home.

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